We are currently running a registration promotion which will run starting now until September 25th (Evaluations Day).
If you are able to bring in a completely, brand new registrant to RCFHA, we will offer you a $25 gift card (Tim Hortons, Sport Chek, or Amazon). In addition, the player that gets recruited will be entered into a draw for free registration for next season.
Note that to have this apply, the recruiter must name the player that referred them (not the parent!).
A few conditions apply:
- This promotion does not apply to the Adult division
- The person being recruited cannot have registered in the past (must be brand new)
- The $25 gift card will be issued at the end of the season, provided that the player who was recruited remains an active member of a team throughout the entire season
Please spread the word, and earn some rewards!
If you have further questions, contact president@rcfha.org