Our Philosophy


The RCFHA Philosophy

From our beginnings in the late 70s, RCFHA has been about 3 basic principles:

  • Equal playing time for all team members
  • Play the puck, not the opponent
  • When the game ends, the competition ends

We strive to be a different sports option for your family.

Some aspects that make us unique:

  • Low cost and best sports value in Richmond.
  • Minimal gear required. Almost all equipment is provided!
  • Inclusiveness: Everyone plays
  • And in the past few years, we have even expanded our adult division so your whole family can truly play together!

In addition, many of our players continue on to referee, coach, volunteer and join our executive, give back to the community, learn team work and importance of good sportsmanship.

We often hear from our new parents that our league is a refreshing change from the hyper-competitive environment at most other organized sports. We keep the competition out on the floor and when the game is done everyone is still smiling![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]