This page is here to help provide our referees new and old with information to help make their job easier!
BC Criminal Record Check (CRC)
RCFHA requires that all coaches, assistant coaches or any parent or volunteer that may spend time alone with kids or vulnerable adults – to have a Criminal Record Check done before they are permitted to hold these roles. The process can now be done online using the information below. There is no cost to the volunteer. Please contact president@rcfha.org for access code. If for some reason you are unable to complete the CRC online, please contact president@rcfha.org to get a paper form which can be taken to the Richmond RCMP office.
Forfeit Report Form (2024-01-14)
To be completed when games are forfeited.
Incident Report Form (2023-11-30)
Use this form to report any unacceptable incidents taking place at either gym. This includes misconduct from players, coaches, parents or spectators that violates the rules or league code of conduct above and beyond regular penalty infractions. Send the completed form to the Referee-In-Chief at officials@rcfha.org within 24 hours of the incident.
Injury Report Form (2023-11-30)
This form must be completed for each case where an injury is sustained at an RCFHA sanctioned practice, game or or other event. Send the completed form to the Referee-In-Chief at officials@rcfha.org within 24 hours of the incident.