Inaugural President’s Challenge Cup

RCFHA is very excited to announce the inaugural RCFHA President’s Challenge Cup to be held on March 5th, 2017 at the end of our tournament weekend. We are still fine tuning all of the details but here is what we can tell you:

  • We will be asking coaches to submit a short list of players from their teams to compete in 2 winner take all games. The players will be chosen on a number of categories including sportsmanship, team play, work ethic as well as overall skill.
  • Game One will be comprised of a mix of Jr. and Sr. Squirts players and Game Two will be comprised of a mix of PeeWee and Bantam players. Mites players will not be included in these games.
  • Every team will have a minimum of one player represented in one of the two games.
  • The games will be coached by the President and Vice-President along with a small selection of coaches from each of the divisions involved in each game.
  • All Cosom rules will apply with the exception of NO mercy rule in these two games
  • Selected players will get a special President’s Challenge Cup shirt for the game that they can keep
  • Winners will get to pose with our new President’s Challenge Cup trophy.
  • Selected players will be contacted directly by the league by the end of January.

Stay tuned for more details!