Welcome to our FAQ page! Here you can find out everything about the RCFHA.


  • Is Cosom Hockey expensive?
    • No. We feel we are the most affordable sport you will find in Metro Vancouver.
  • Is Cosom Hockey rough?
    • No! Cosom Hockey is a non-contact sport and rough play is penalized. We have rules in place for the safety of the players. 
  • What is Cosom Hockey and how is it different from other types of hockey?
    • Cosom Hockey is an indoor form of hockey played in Elementary and High School gyms. 
    • We use lightweight plastic sticks and pucks. 
    • While Cosom has the same basic concepts of ice hockey and ball hockey, it also has unique aspects to make it a more accessible sport to players and adults of all athletic skills and sports backgrounds.  
  • What if my child has not played hockey before?
    • No experience necessary! 
    • We do not require anything more than enthusiasm. 
    • Our coaches teach the skills necessary to pick up the game. 


  • What equipment will my child need?
    • The league supplies all of the sticks, pucks, goalie equipment, etc. 
    • The only equipment that parents are required to supply for their children are knee pads and shin pads. Hard shell knee pads are not permitted. 
    • The league recommends the volleyball style knee pads, the “shin sock” style all-in-one shin pads that are built into socks, or the all-in-one pads that are used in ball hockey. 
    • The league has a supplier for these pads and will arrange for them to be at our gyms during evaluations and other times once the season has begun. www.phantomsports.ca.   


  • Can I play with [teammate name] or coached by [coach name]?
    • Our teams are formed following our League Parity Guidelines. 
    • For these reasons we cannot guarantee any team, coach or teammate requests. 
    • However, they can be requested and considered only after all other guidelines are met.  
  • Do we have to travel for games?
    • No! All games and practices are played in Elementary and High School gyms in Richmond, BC where its warm and dry. 
  • How much time is required?
    • All teams have one (up 1.5 hours) practice per week and one (1 hour) game per week. 
  • When are games?
    • All games are on Saturdays or Sundays, depending on the division. 
    • We cannot guarantee times as our scheduling is determined by overall enrollment numbers and gym availability. 
    • Visit here for youth schedule and here for adult schedule
  • When are practices?
    • All games are on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, depending on the division. 
    • Scheduling is determined by overall enrollment numbers and gym availability. 
    • Visit our Registration Page for Info
    • You are welcome to your preferred practice day when registering, however, we likely can’t tell you the practice info until your child is placed on a team which is usually by the end of September. 

For urgent requests, email info@rcfha.org and For website feedback, email webmaster@rcfha.org