Welcome to our FAQ page! Here you can find out everything about RCFHA.
Click on a question to see the answer.

What is Cosom Hockey and how is it different from other types of hockey?

Cosom Hockey is a fast and exciting indoor form of hockey played in Elementary and High School gyms. We use plastic sticks and an orange plastic puck. Many schools in Canada have the same equipment for use in their PE classes. While Cosom has the same basic concepts of ice hockey and ball hockey, it also has many unique aspects that set it apart. These differences make it a much more accessible sport to kids of all athletic skills and sports backgrounds as well as kids with no experience in sports at all. You can read more about the play of the game and rules on our About Us page and by reading the Coach’s Handbook.

Is Cosom Hockey expensive?

No! In fact we feel we are the best sports value you will find in Richmond among the usual organized sports such as Ice Hockey, Soccer, Baseball etc. The registration fee even includes your jersey which you get to keep and team and player photos as well as participation medals for the Jr. Squirt and lower divisions.

What ages can play?

Our league accepts kids from grades 1 through 12. We also have a new coed Adult Division for adults age 18 and up.

Is Cosom open to boys and girls?

Yes! We are co-ed (boys and girls play together). We used to maintain a separate high school age Girls division but due to the smaller number of girls registering it is no longer possible.

When does the season start and end?

Our season runs from mid-October until early March. Dates will vary based on school gym availability, etc. but our season end tournament will always fall before the Spring Break.

When are games?

All games are on Saturdays or Sundays. We cannot guarantee times as our scheduling is determined by overall enrollment numbers. On our registration page we have a list of which divisions play on which days and approximate times such as morning, afternoon or early evening. We do our best to limit conflicts with other sports and activities but we cannot guarantee there will not be conflicts.

When are practices?

Because all of our coaches are parent volunteers, practice days and times are chosen by the coaches to best suit their schedules. For this reason we cannot tell you when your child’s practice will be until they have been placed on a team and the coach has chosen a day/time from our pool of gym rentals. We can say that all practices are Tue-Thurs (no Mondays/Fridays) at either 6:00, 7:00 or 8:00pm. Typically the younger age groups will get all of our available 6:00pm time slots. You can request your preferred practice day when registering which will assist our coordinators in placing your child on team that practices on that night but it may not be guaranteed.

Is Cosom Hockey rough?

No! Cosom Hockey is a non-contact sport and rough play is penalized. Excessive or repeated rough play will result ejection from a game and possibly from the league altogether. We have many rules in place for the safety of the players and our referees are trained to keep rough play out of the game. The league motto is “Players play the puck, not the body”.

What if my child has not played hockey before?

No experience necessary! Whether your child is just starting out or in high school, we do not require anything more than enthusiasm. Our coaches teach the skills necessary to pick up the game. We frequently have high school age kids joining that have never played hockey before and they pick it up fast!

Do we have to travel for games?

No! All games and practices are played in Richmond at the same gyms where its warm and dry.

Is there a big time commitment required?

No! All teams have one (1 hour) practice per week and one (1 hour) game per week.

What sort of equipment will my child need?

The league supplies all of the sticks, pucks, goalie equipment, etc. The only equipment that parents are required to supply for their kids are knee pads and shin pads. Hard shell knee pads (such as rollerblading pads) are not permitted, but hard shell shin pads are allowed. The league recommends the volleyball style knee pads and the “shin sock” style all-in-one shin pads that are built into socks, or the all-in-one pads that are used in ball hockey.

The league has a supplier for these pads and will arrange for them to be at our gyms during evaluations and other times once the season has begun. www.phantomsports.ca

Here are some examples of acceptable knee pads (top) and 2 types of acceptable shin pads (bottom):




League FAQ

Why can’t all players play both ends of the floor?

This concept is unique to Cosom Hockey that has long been in place. The gyms are much smaller than surfaces used for Ball Hockey and Ice Hockey. By spreading the players out, it prevents potential injuries from occurring in corners where players could be bunched up. This prevents some of our younger players from crowding around the puck all the time.

Why does Cosom Hockey have a high sticking penalty at waist level?

Since our players don’t wear helmets, it would be dangerous to allow sticks to be swinging at the shoulder level. If we loosen up on this rule, players will just continue to raise their sticks higher and higher.

Why do we receive penalties for not tucking in our jerseys?

The reason for tucking in the jersey is so that referees are able to create a standard of determining where the waist is, which makes calling high sticking penalties fair for all – sized players.

Why does Cosom Hockey have a Lifting the Stick penalty?

Since our players don’t wear gloves, it would be dangerous to allow players to lift opponents’ sticks, as the motion often strikes exposed fingers.

Are goalies allowed to play the puck outside the crease?

Yes, goalies can leave their crease and play the puck, but they are considered regular players if they leave. This means goalies can receive penalties for things like high sticking or covering the puck outside the crease.

What is Blocking?

Blocking is a minor penalty called when a player initiates contact and backs into their opponent. However if a player is backing up, the opponent is allowing it, and there is no contact, this penalty will not be called.

What happens if I cross the centre line (and I’m not Centre)? Do I get a penalty or a running foul?

It depends! If you touch the puck or interfere with a player then you receive a penalty. If you just cross the centre line (and don’t touch the puck or interfere) then you receive a running foul.

Why is Sliding a penalty?

Sliding is only called when an intentional, overt slide is seen. You may go down to block a shot, but cannot slide, as it can lead to serious injuries by potentially sliding into the bleachers or other players.